
For more than 50 years, we have been setting the course for electrosurgery again and again: Many of our developments have made a lasting impression on high-frequency surgery. This applies not only to HF generators, but to the extensive range of accessories as well.

Electrosurgery - HF units

Electrosurgery units

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Our innovative electrosurgery units are setting new standards - all over the world. This is explained not only by their remarkable performance and features, but also by the fact that we offer you a truly extensive range of products: from special HF devices for dentists through units for minor and major private surgeries and outpatient departments to high-end devices for use in operating rooms - practically everything required for state-of-the-art medical treatment.

Electrosurgery - Instruments

Accessories for electrosurgery

Discover more

A large number of clinicians worldwide use and trust our extensive range of accessories which set benchmarks in both monopolar and bipolar surgery. The instruments are developed and manufactured according to stringent quality specifications to ensure you are provided with the best tools for your daily work.

Our sales partner: Adachi Co., Ltd.

Click here for more information

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