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After only six months of construction, the topping-out ceremony for the extension at Karl Leibinger Medizintechnik (KLM) in Mühlheim an der Donau was celebrated. The shell of all the concrete work has now been completed on schedule. With an expected investment sum of 13 million euros, the new building is the largest single investment in the company's more than 100-year history.

The building will be called Building 70. New premises for the production and construction of medical technology solutions will be created on around 5,300 square metres spread over three levels. A good 150 employees will work in the new building. 85 of these employees already work for the company. However, the construction project does not only mean room for an increase in personnel. KLM is also investing in new production facilities, cleanroom technology and other new technologies, for example in the area of new materials. 

When designing the rooms, care is taken to ensure that workflows are made even more efficient, production processes optimised and paths shortened. These measures also benefit departments and processes in the other buildings at the site. Sustainable room concepts are being implemented. Flexibility is the leitmotif of spatial planning in production and offices. Work islands are designed flexibly. Data will be available everywhere. Modern lighting and sound concepts will be implemented.

A state-of-the-art energy concept will also be implemented. The waste heat from the production facilities is used to heat the building. Furthermore, a photovoltaic system is installed on the roof.  The KfW 55 standard is to be achieved. Extensive insulation measures are to ensure that less heating is required in winter and less cooling in summer. 

"We are very satisfied with the construction progress to date. The shell has been completed on schedule. Now the interior work is on the agenda. The complete completion is planned for spring 2020", says Christian Leibinger.

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